Jade Song

Founder and President

Founder and President

College International J. de Lafontaine is a home for those who care about and are deeply committed to quality education. We continuously improve our approach to education to consistently ensure that our programs are both the latest and the best. We have great respect for our extraordinary staff and their relentless dedication to developing first-class systems for teaching, evaluations, reward, and discipline. We believe that educating isn’t only about their academic health but as well, their mental health. As such, we don’t just teach—we also foster joy in their learning process. In the face of a rapidly changing world, we help our students by always embracing change and innovation.

Patricia Fuselier

Partner and Educational Director

Partner and Educational Director

We believe that children are like seeds and each child blooms at its own pace. We understand that some are early, and others need a little longer to fully come into the light. We tend to their growth carefully to ensure both their confidence and their academic abilities grow in all sorts of wonderful ways. We respect their learning styles and nurture each one based on their unique talents and goals.